Most people see January as a time for creation and organization. It always happens to me during my busiest season. Energy begets energy!
There's a lot going on with Mimi.
I'm diving into hair products. Yes, I'm growing my hair out to honor my grandmothers who wore braids. Now that I am doing that I see the need for things I only partially made an effort for. SO, I'm reading, studying, and researching solid shampoo (reduce plastic use wherever possible). It's been a thing for a while and there are some on my website, but I want to reformulate for different hair types and make them convenient to my customers. At first I thought to purchase for resale a line that I found and liked (research). I wouldn't be able to sell those to my farmer's market customers as ours is a makers only market (yay). I will be seeking testers as I go through this process. Comment on this blog if you would like to participate. This endeavor will likely move on to solid conditioners, conditioning hair masks, and styling products.
Always wanting to create new formulas and scents in soap, I have made yet another clay soap using sea clay. It will be available at the market on Saturday. It could go online depending on how it is received there. I frequently create new fragrances and might create a website page for limited editions. Facebook would be the first place to hear about new creations.
Hubby and I are deep cleaning our production facility and reorganizing as we go. Hopefully, we will become even more efficient at tending your needs.
Website updates can be expected after the holiday rush has passed. I'm not a photographer, but those things are necessary. I will also find a way to create new categories so one can quickly find soaps with essential oils or fragrance oils. A recent customer/order put me on that track. I feel honored that the online vendor I shop with for natural ingredients chooses to shop with me for Christmas every year.
SOCIAL MEDIA. A time consuming method of communication needs to be a stronger focus for Mimi. I recently ran a sale for members and subscribers. I have many active customers who missed that opportunity. I posted the event on Facebook using this page Skin By Mimi on Facebook Please like and follow this page for all sorts of important information. My site only allows so many emails per month and I'd rather not pay for sending more.
BECOME A MEMBER! From this page you can click log in. That takes you to setting up a profile/account.
Well, I've over stayed my welcome. Expect more information on ongoing efforts to make your skin, hair, and maybe spirits better.
Till next time,
I would love to be a tester. I have never came across a product of yours that I wasn't pleased with. I love the new fantasy fragrance. For hair I think something very feminine without being overpowering.
Good morning Mimi,
I am interested in being a tester with your hair products! I have long wavy hair and love trying new hair products especially if they smell amazing!
I really wanted to take part in the sale you had for your subscribers but I ran into an issue of having no way of entering my pick up promo code and the discount code. If I chose the discount then I was charged shipping and if I chose the pick up code I missed out on the discount.
I did think it was great for your customers that you ship to!
I hope you have a wonderful day!
Susan Tucker