It's always nice to know things prove to be forever in our favor. Maybe not in the moment, but in the long run I have found this proves true.
Last week I shared views of the ocean. I traveled home with a happy little dog and a refreshed outlook about the holiday season. The following weekend was busy as I filled Black Friday orders, attended market and found and decorated the freshest tree I have ever had.
THEN Monday struck. I had originally planned to post about food, gardening, and lodging. Monday morning my main "boss" computer keeled over (literally) and gave up the ghost. My usual computer repair man was available, and we put the all-in-one in the car, and I headed out. When I accelerated out of my driveway the computer face planted against the back "door" of my SUV. I pulled over to right the thing. When I opened the hatch BAM the fall continued against the opening, cracked the screen, and plans for repair became plans to retrieve files. Needless to say, I did not buy a lottery ticket while I was out. It was an eight-year-old computer, and I definitely got my money's worth out of it. GOOD NEWS!!! It was Cyber Monday. I did not have to endure "Wendover Hell" to procure a replacement and got an amazing price on the most highly rated all-in-one around. It worked out. I have a better computer. It was expected Friday but came Thursday. I had planned to set everything up Monday because this weekend includes a Sunday craft show. Things have really changed over the last eight years. I was set up and running in just a few minutes.
This weekend begins our countdown to Christmas and there are important events and dates for you to consider.
Saturday 12/3 Greensboro Farmers Curb market 8 until noon. My daughter will be assisting so expect prompt, friendly service.
Sunday 12/4 11 until 4 with a 10:00 am early bird entry for $5 cash. Samantha will be with me and if you haven't checked in with her lately, you'll find she's grown into an amazing young lady.

Saturdays 12/10 and 12/17 will be market as usual with a daughter to ease the stress and possible mark downs might be found. Stocking Stuffers R Us.
Wednesday 12/21 will your last opportunity to shop with Mimi for the holidays. There will definitely be some markdowns and we turn our eyes to the New Year. The market will be closed on Christmas Eve.
One last thing!! Our website is always open, and we will be glad to ship for you right up until the 21st. Even better you can give a Mimi's online gift card and let recipients choose for themselves. It's an easy process and here's a link Gift Card | Skin by Mimi
Happy Holidays Everyone.